
Questioning, The Book


“If you could do anything and you knew you wouldn’t fail what would you do?”

Dear Friend,

I have begun the journey of publishing a book! And, I want you to be a part of it!

Over the last few years I developed an interest in asking really good questions, and how listening and responding to those answers build healthy, sustainable relationships. I began keeping the questions that I loved asking my friends and family in a note on my phone. I started calling it “The Question Game”. It became a common activity among my family, friends, and coworkers. As the list grew, I divided the questions into categories and applied those questions to my professional and personal life outside the context of this game. I’ve noticed that there are beautiful parts of people’s stories waiting to be revealed with the right question. The answers can be a window into what fuels a person, what has shaped their character, and the diversity of our perspectives. When approached with an open heart, these questions can open new doors in relationships. I believe healing can happen from a willingness to step into some difficult conversations and ask intentional questions.

What’s your favorite thing about your home?

On this page, you’ll find a few questions from my upcoming book. I would love to include your handwritten answers to your favorite questions in the publication. Take a moment to write out answers to as many questions as you would like. Please use black ink, gel, or felt tip pen to write out your answers. Avoid using a ballpoint pen, as the ink is often inconsistent and does not show up well when scanned. Write out the question you are answering, as well as your answers on a sheet of unlined, white, printer paper. Your answers can be as extensive, or brief as necessary. One-word answers are acceptable, as well as a short paragraph. The answers you provide will remain anonymous. Thank you so much for your participation. Your contribution is incredibly valuable to this project.

Return your original handwritten answers in person or email scans of your handwritten answers to at your earliest convenience. 

If you or someone you know would be interested in being a part of this project I am looking for collaborators in the following areas: graphic design, typography, illustration, printing, publishing, videography, photography, and podcasting. Please send an email, detailing your interest.

Thank you, ANS

“How was the most thoughtful gift you’ve ever received given to you?”
“What is a question you wish you had the opportunity to ask one of your parents?”
“What’s the most pain you’ve been in that wasn’t physical?”
“What is an obstacle or challenge you often face, that most people in your life are unaware of?”
“What is a question you often ask yourself?”
“What’s a decision you made that changed your life?”
“What does love mean to you?”
“When was the last time you did something for the first time?”
“What in life has brought you the most joy?”
Who is the most important person in your life? And, What makes them so important?